Culture Dose | On This Day She | Women Talking | On the Issues

Our guide on what to read, watch and listen to now: Women’s History Month Edition

Read: On This Day She | Jo Bell, Tania Hershman + Alisa Holland

On This Day She: putting women back into history one day at a time

Every woman has a story from Queen Elizabeth to Béyonce, Doria Shafik to Lillian Bilocca, and others forgotten to history. Authors Jo Bell, Tania Hershman, and Ailsa Holland correct that imbalance, using each page to profile the women left out of daily narratives. All races, nationalities, eras, and backgrounds explore the icons and adventurers that have paved the way and opened the doors for the future.

Get it here or at your local library

Watch: Women Talking

Originally a novel by Miriam Toews, the film covers the isolated, religious community confined by traditional values and gender roles. When generations of women come together to confess their treatment that has remained hidden for years, a choice is made: to stay or go? Grappling with their faith and the unseen world the women discuss what it means to confront womanhood and the well-being of themselves and the community.

Listen: On The Issues with Michele Goodwin

On the Issues with Michele Goodwin womens issues podcast

The decade of the 1970s gave us many things: bell bottoms, flower power, and Ms. Magazine, the first national American feminist magazine. Over 50 years later the publication is still going strong, now expanding and covering the resilient women of today and the ongoing fight for equality. The continuation of the magazine has now included a podcast On the Issues with Michele Goodwin, a show dedicated to reporting rebelling, and telling it like it is. In addition to addressing contemporary issues faced by the everywoman, the podcast features the series Fifteen Minutes of Feminism where invited guests speak on their field, barriers faced, and accomplishments made along the way.



-Kennedy Smith