The people of this country are in uprising as the death of George Floyd became the tipping point where it is impossible to ignore the brutality of racism that permeates our society. It is impossible to “Do nothing”. Pretend that you don’t know what’s going on. Or pretend if you are not a black person it doesn’t concern you. So what do we do next? Activist and educator Rachel Cargle is creating resources and critical discourse to aid in unlearning white supremacism that focuses on KNOWLEDGE, EMPATHY and ACTION.
get schooled
Rachel has created an online self-paced learning platform called The Great Unlearn.
It is a self priced (starting at $5) and self paced learning community where every month she brings in an expert to guide us through unlearning our whitewashed colonized understanding of the world. With downloads, live events and resources each month you really get a chance to dive into things you didn’t know you needed to unlearn — you will exist differently in the world as a result.
She has also put together the following Revolution Book List
Proceeds from purchases made from Elizabeth’s Bookshop & Writing Center will go toward The Loveland Foundation providing therapy for black women and girls. -
More books on the subject can be found here.
support and donate to the front lines…and your own community
The following organizations are at the heart of protests in Minnesota but it’s imperative that you do the research for where you can support your local efforts.
Follow Rachel on Twitter and Instagram and join The Great Unlearn