Culture Dose | Paradise Rot | Catch and Kill | Dizzy Fae

READ: Paradise Rot by Jenny Hval


Paradise Riot is Jenny Hval’s first novel. The Norweigan musician/artist/novelist’s story follows Djåoanna (Jo), a young university student who is abroad in a new country and figuring out everything from her surroundings to herself. With heavy themes of queerness and feminism, Hval portrays sexual awakening and queer desire with imagery of the human body and bodily functions, alongside the fantastical elements

From the Publisher:

A lyrical debut novel from a musician and artist renowned for her sharp sexual and political imagery–

Jo is in a strange new country for university and having a more peculiar time than most. In a house with no walls, shared with a woman who has no boundaries, she finds her strange home coming to life in unimaginable ways. Jo’s sensitivity and all her senses become increasingly heightened and fraught, as the lines between bodies and plants, dreaming and wakefulness, blur and mesh.

Get it Here


WATCH: Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes on HBO


Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes is a six-part documentary series that brings to life Ronan Farrow’s interviews from his investigation of Harvey Weinstein and the systems that protect powerful men accused of terrible crimes in Hollywood, Washington, and beyond. Originally conducted for the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist’s podcast and best-selling book, Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies and A Conspiracy to Protect Predators, these 30-minute episodes are the revealing interviews with brave whistleblowers, journalists, shadowy undercover operatives, and other sources. Directed by Emmy-winners Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato, the series expands on the podcast and book with never-before-seen footage and new insights into the investigation that brought global recognition to the history-making #MeToo movement.

The first two episodes are out now and two more will be released on Monday.

Watch it on HBO


LISTEN: Dizzy Fae

Dizzy Fae was still a teen when she gained attention for her debut mixtape Free Form— most notably from stars like Lizzo and the Internet. The stylistically daring singer drew upon a wide variety of influences when she began developing her sound, ranging from ’80s funk to futuristic synth pop. Her sound isn’t set in stone either, as each mixtape has explored a variation of styles. Her newest release of her debut EP Antenna, includes the  electrifyingly sexy pop song ‘Body Move’ that will only make you feel good while listening to it– a must add to any of your current summer playlists.

Listen on:


Apple Music

–Leah Flannery

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