Next Gen Fashion Designer: Nicki Rensing, Pratt Institute


Name of your collection: Trash!

What is the inspiration or concept behind it?

I wanted to investigate the word “Trash” and all the connotations behind it.  What makes something Trash? What makes someone Trashy? Can trash be fashion?  I want to reclaim this word to be something beautiful and modern.

How is sustainability part of your ethos?
My collection is made from 100% reclaimed/reused fabrics and materials.  To amass my materials I deconstruct old clothing, search vintage and thrift shops, receive donations, and shop at Fab Scrap.  I use a lot of found materials and I have also saved almost all of my scraps from the last 5 years of sewing projects and collections, which I’ve used to create yardage and some zero waste patterns.  In general, I try to be really creative with the ways I use and source fabric to create as little waste as possible.

“What makes something Trash? What makes someone Trashy? Can trash be fashion?  I want to reclaim this word to be something beautiful and modern.”

How do you see the current situation changing your expectations/path?
I think the biggest way in which this situation is changing things up for me is now I don’t know when I’ll be able to get a job and finally start working, which is very scary for a new designer.  That being said I’m trying to be optimistic, I believe things always get bad before they get good, so I’m excited to see what happens when we come out of this.

Where do you hope to be in 3 years?
I hope I’m still making things by hand and working with a company/brand who has sustainability at their core.  But more than anything I want to be happy and feel passionate about the work I’m doing.

Three things keeping you sane right now
• My cat
• Being in Florida with my family
• Collage

If you could design for anyone in the world who would it be and why?
I would love to work for Collina Strada because they make their clothes here in New York, use sustainable materials, and I think my design aesthetic aligns closely with theirs.

Find Nicki at @slicki.nicki

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